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AI & Mental Healthcare, Including 3 Challenges To Adoption

Luis Lambert

Mar 28, 2025 • 4 min read


Healthcare is continually evolving with technological and digital innovations. AI is being used to develop solutions for prediction, detection, and treatment. These improvements are allowing great advances in its implementation in various areas. Among them: mental health.

Mental health problems constitute a significant public health concern. The World Health Organization reported that about 10% of people worldwide had mental disorders in 2013. This number increased to 13% by 2020.

The traditional approach relies heavily on face-to-face consultations and therapy. Unfortunately, the traditional approach often fails to address increasing demand for affordable and accessible services. AI integration can potentially address these problems.

One can measure of the frequency of mental health issues using medication demand.

Relevance of Mental Health

Mental health is a pillar of human well-being. It is not visible, but it is deeply felt. Depression is a disorder that can affect our physical and mental health. It affects how we interact with others and can impact our work. Depression also stands out among the various mental disorders affecting society. For this reason it is important to consider the value of our mental health.

Experts estimate that depression and anxiety cause the loss of US$1 trillion annually due to lost productivity. An article in The Lancet reports that mental disorders caused 418 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in 2019. This accounts for 16% of global DALYs.

Mental disorders require prevention and professional treatment. Proper mental health education is key to finding a solution. New technologies offer an opportunity to treat mental illness from a new perspective. AI-powered tools and digital platforms are making mental health support more accessible. Early detection systems and insights can potentially improve treatment outcomes.

AI & Emotional Wellness

The current integration of AI into mental health stems from many studies conducted in the mid-20th century. Between the 1950s and 1960s, Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon laid the groundwork for the AI foundations we have today. This indicates that it has always focused on developing expert systems using AI related to human health.

Today, we have access to various gadgets, such as smart devices or virtual assistants (chatbots or virtual agents). These tools allow for the easier incorporation of AI into our immediate environment. One of the key focuses is improving communication with computer systems.

Virtual therapists are now a reality. One of the barriers being addressed is the incompatibility between patient and psychologist. Text-based therapies allow for cognitive development for users. Additionally, these AIs can interact with multiple users at the same time.

Photo by Alex Green on Pexels. Crop ethnic man in psychotherapy office, treating his mental health.

Therapy can allow us to detect patterns related to depression, anxiety, and others. Photo by Alex Green:

Applications: Where Is It Being Used?

At this point, it's natural to ask the question… Where or how is AI being used for mental health specifically? The answer is: AI is being applied in many ways, using different technological options.

Smartphones and Mental Health Apps: Today's smartphones are capable of using AI in many applications. Smartphones are popular, and often easy-to-use. Combining smartphones with mental health apps can be effective for monitoring our regular activities, detecting patterns, and providing assistance.

Wearable Devices: Similar to smartphones. Less powerful, but just as helpful in detecting biosignals related to depression and anxiety. Watches, glasses, and even bracelets are capable of detecting patterns and behaviors to a degree.

Black Box Algorithms: This type of algorithm learns, adapts, and improves its processes. However, they are notable for not following fixed rules and instead produce their own independent results. Perhaps surprisingly, black box algorithms can be more accurate than non-machine algorithms at detecting patterns. As such, these algorithms have great potential for understanding emotions, behaviors, and patterns.

Smartphones, smartwatches, and black box algorithms are some of the ways AI is helping to improve mental healthcare.

3 Challenges and Limitations of AI in Healthcare

The application of AI in healthcare faces many technological and ethical barriers. For example, one of the most popular chatbots, ChatGPT, is taking an important role in medicine. However, inaccuracies have been found in the medical information given by ChatGPT. These mistakes are due to its limited understanding of complex medical issues. AI misdiagnoses could present serious problems.

On the ethical side, AI has also been the subject of criticism. More than the fear of being a replacement for human healthcare, one of the biggest concerns is privacy and security. AIs work by collecting user information, from personal data to activity information. Henna-na Hotel in Japan, known for its robot staff, had to update its operations to avoid hackers after an incident.

Despite the possibilities offered by AI, it will only work with responsible implementation. These are the challenges to achieving the true potential of AI.

AI Benefits in Mental Health Support

The main benefits we can identify from the incorporation of AI into mental health are many. An article provided by Academic Pinnacle mentions the following:

Data Analysis: AI can scan large volumes of information quickly, allowing it to analyze complex medical data.

Chatbots: An excellent tool that allows users to converse with an AI. People who prefer not to have human contact (or to whom such contact is not accessible) can still get treated.

Prediction: AIs can detect patterns, review data, and provide personalized solutions.

Expansion: Technologies that use AI can be accessible to everyone. This benefit is crucial for removing barriers to healthcare.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels. Robot Picking a Chess Piece. Prediction movement.

Prediction is one of the capabilities that AI has most improved. Photo by Pavel Danilyuk:

Final Thoughts

Current technological advances have allowed artificial intelligence to evolve significantly. What once seemed like a distant future is increasingly present in our environment. Mental health is something we may not often consider, but it has a significant impact on us.

Technological evolution opens up a vast array of possibilities.

Check out this blog if you're interested in learning more about improvements in a related area: robotics. Lasting Dynamics also built a tool to analyze huge volumes of neural data with Diagnostic Biochips.

Luis Lambert

Multimedia designer with the versatility to work in areas such as marketing. Always optimistic facing life's many challenges. Expert video editor, out-of-the-box thinker, and video game lover.

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